Pyqt Signals And Slots

Each PyQt widget, which is derived from QObject class, is designed to emit ‘signal’ in response to one or more events. The signal on its own does not perform any action. Instead, it is ‘connected’ to a ‘slot’. The slot can be any callable Python function. Using Qt Designer's Signal/Slot Editor. So the solution is to use a slot that connects to the textEdited signals of both QLineEdits and in it obtain the text and pass the texts. Finally I see that you want the QLineEdit s receive only numbers so one option is to use a QIntValidator so that only numbers are acceptable (another better option is to use QSpinBox instead of QLineEdit ).

AcrossI was to lazy to take a look at the new-style signal and slot support which was introduced in PyQt 4.5 until yesterday. I did know that there were something called

Add to your class the methods (Slots) that you want to execute for each Widget event (Signal) Connect Signals and Slots Browse to to see what each PyQt class offers to you. PyQt5 Quick Start (2) PyQt5 Signal Slot Mechanism 1. Introduction of Signal Slot Mechanism 1. Introduction of signal slots. Signal slot is the core mechanism of Qt and also the mechanism of object communication in PyQt programming.In Qt, the QObject object and all controls in PyQt that inherit from QWidget support the slot mechanism.When the signal is transmitted, the connected slot function.

new-style signals and slots but that was the end of the story. Now I have taken the time and I think it's a cleaner solution than the old-style.
I'll just give you a short intro to whet your appetite, find all details here yourself.
This is the old way of connecting a signal to a slot. To use the new-style support just replace line 11 with following code
The new-style support introduces an attribute with the same name as the signal, in this case clickedPyqt Signals And Slots.Pyqt signals and slots wins
If you need to define your own signal you'll do something like this (off the top of my head):
And the old way:
IMHO the Pyqt Signals And Slots

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support is more pythonic and you don't have to specify your signals as strings when connecting. If you use pydev (eclipse) you'll also have completion support for signals.
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